Car Rental and Leasing Slovakia Bratislava autopožičovňa - 1autopožičovňa - 2

GPS Auto navigation

  • Navigation devices for 1,50 Eur a day only.
  • Garmin nüvi 250
  • This offer is valid with rent vehicles only.

New offers from our Car rental

  • We offer new auto models
  • Volkswagen Jetta and Polo.

Free car accessories

Only our car renting company will give you child safety seats and snow chains free of charge.

autopožičovňa AAA

Rental Car delivery to airports

Had an accident?

Call us and take the opportunity to rent a car whilst in repair service from insurance company funds.

Answer to frequently asked questions for AAA car rental:

Reservation of vehicles at AAA car rental:

Vehicles from our car rental can be booked by email (booking form in section Reservations) or by phone. When ordering a vehicle you need ti fill in your name, phone number, rental period, vehicle type and our car rental company will send you back full price for car rental and booking confirmation.

Rented vehicle handover:

Our car rental company will park your rented vehicle and pick it up anywhere in Bratislava and surroundings free of charge for orders for 2 days and more. If renting for 1 day it is necessary to pick up and return the vehicle at the car rentals office. Parking the vehicle outside Bratislava is possible after phone or email consultation. Free of charge parking of the vehicle is possible during working hours. Our car rental company parks vehicles also to airports, parking at Bratislava airport is free of charge even outside working hours. When picking up the vehicle from our car rental company it is necessary to present ID card, Driving license or alternative documents. Vehicles in our car rental company are handovered with full fuel tank and it is required to fill up the tank upon returning the vehicle. Handovering a vehicle takes approx. 10 minutes.

Payment for renting a vehicle:

Payment for renting a vehicle at AAA car rental can be provided by payment card or by cash. Whole period of renting is payed in advance with deposit for participation in accident. Amount of deposit for participation in car accident depends on vehicle type and is from 170,- Eur to 340,- Eur. The deposit for participation in accident is returned upon rental ending if no damages are made to vehicle. Companies and organizations can negotiate special payment forms.

Returning of rented vehicle:

Returning of rented vehicle to car rental company has to take place at previously agreed place and time. Car rental company checks the vehicle, fuel tank level and vehicle documents.

Breakdown of rented vehicle?

Our car rental company makes its best to keep the vehicles in great conditions but despite our effort it happens from time to time that the vehicle gets out of order. In such a situation it is required to notify th car rental company as soon as possible and we will manage to get the vehicle repaired in the nearest car service or we will bring you a spare vehicle.

Travel abroad:

With vehicles from our car rental company it is possible to travel aound EU. It is required to notify about abroad traveling during vehicle pick up and rental contract signing. In such a case you'll get all the required documents (relevant to vehicle renting) for traveling abroad.

Opening hours of AAA car rental.

Opening hours are from 9:00 to 18:00.
Vehicles are parked for pick up from 9:00 to 15:00.
Parking at airports is not limited by time.

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